
In my "Couples" series, I aim to capture the intimate moments of connection and affection between individuals in relationships. Through this collection of street photography, I aim to showcase the diversity of love and relationships, highlighting the unique dynamics of straight and sometimes gay couples of various ages and ethnic groups in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Moscow, and other places around the world.

I am drawn to the quiet, unassuming moments between partners, capturing the small gestures and glances that reveal the depth of their connection. Whether it is a touch, a smile, or a shared moment of joy, I aim to showcase the beauty of love in its many forms.

In a world that often seems to be divided, I believe that these images of love and connection can help to bridge the gap and bring people together. I hope that my "Couples" series will inspire viewers to look at the world with a more open and compassionate eye and to recognize the beauty and diversity of the relationships that exist all around us.




two bags ladies